Film production and financial incentives in the context of audiovisual policy




audiovisual policy, film production, financial incentives


Financial incentives for the film industry are a popular economic development strategy implemented by many countries and regions worldwide. One of the primary arguments for implementing this type of incentive is the creation of optimal conditions conducive to investments from external funds, which may create a multiplier effect, strengthening the local economy. In Poland, incentives for film production are introduced in the Act on financial support for audiovisual production of 9 November 2018 (Ustawa z dnia 9 listopada 2018 roku o finansowym wspieraniu produkcji audiowizualnej, Dz.U. 2019, poz. 50). The system provides a reimbursement equivalent to 30% of eligible expenses incurred in Poland for production costs (art. 14, Ustawa z dnia 9 listopada 2018 roku…; -informacje/; 2023, 9 listopada). The paper aims to explore the mechanism of financial incentives in audiovisual policy using film production in Poland as an example.

Author Biography

Katarzyna Kopeć, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Katarzyna Kopeć, PhD in management sciences, graduate in cultural management (Hochschule Zittau/Gőrlitz, Jagiellonian University). She currently works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include, among others: cultural policy, especially socio- cultural contexts of culture (books: Financing culture within the framework of corporate social responsibility, Critical role in shaping the book market in Poland) and the socio-economic use of cultural heritage.



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How to Cite

Kopeć, K. (2023). Film production and financial incentives in the context of audiovisual policy. Entrepreneurship – Education, 19(2), 59–70.