The influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of the young on mobile telephone payment usage levels
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electronic banking, electronic mobile payment, financial awareness, high school, studentsAbstrakt
The study aims to determine the impact of high school students’ socio-demographic characteristics from Podkarpackie Voivodeship on the level of use of modern forms of payment and banking services and to assess the security levels of these tools. The data was obtained through a survey where the research tool was a questionnaire conducted among students. The study of the literature on the subject and reports from other studies on similar topics were used. Research has shown that socio-demographic characteristics influence the level of use of some modern payment and banking services such as secure online payments, mobile applications for online shopping and electronic banking. Young male respondents expressed higher ratings for mobile banking security as well as for electronic payments. Similarly, the level of parents’ education was associated with an increase in students’ positive assessment of the security of mobile banking and electronic payments. The results suggest a need to increase financial knowledge and awareness among young people and their parents in modern forms of payment and banking services.
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