Życie to kaisha. Specyficzne rozumienie japońskiej przedsiębiorczości
https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.5.14Słowa kluczowe:
kaisha, przedsiębiorczość, kultura, JaponiaAbstrakt
There are a lot of differences between Western and Japanese work culture. A discussion ofthese differences requires reference to Confucian thinking, for the organization of the kaisha,the Japanese company, is strongly influenced by Far Eastern ethics, morality and understandingof the law. Culture and tradition are also very important in determining the relations betweensuperiors and subordinates, which are organized in a way that resembles family relations.Personal responsibility, long-term commitment, the significance of mutual trust (as opposed towritten contract) are some of the qualities that characterize the Japanese labor market.Collectivism and a culture-bound ease the adaptation to changing conditions and they are alsoimportant for this matter. Strong personal connections between business and bureaucracy, aswell as long-term orientation of business contact, have a decisive role in shaping the wayJapanese companies are organized and run. In 19th century Japan, the slogan of the Meiji Erareformists was "wakon yosai", which can be translated as "Japanese spirit, Western science".At that time, Japanese commerce and industry were reformed as well. However, all thesechanges had to be implemented with respect for the "Japanese ways". The aim of this paper isto describe how these "ways" have formed Japanese entrepreneurship.Bibliografia
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