Przedsiębiorczość miejska – lokalne programy rewitalizacji instrumentami odnowy miast
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przedsiębiorczość miejska, lokalne programy rewitalizacjiAbstrakt
Owing to widely advertized issue of renewal of urban tissue cities gain their chance for re-birth and “second youth”. These entities struggle with degradation and depopulation through, among others, re-discovering cultural, architectural and historical values alike, restructuring postrailway, post-military and post-industrial areas as well as renovation of old housing estates and other damaged building resources. Next to the degradation of the housing substance, another problem of the cities is demographic crisis. The amount of cities’ inhabitants decreases systematically, the process of ageing of society affects more and more aspects of economy and the decline in population growth as well as mass emigration of young people are not promising. Thus main tasks of cities development became tasks of qualitative revival of material resources and human capital. Considering revitalization as a cities revival tool one have to have in mind it cannot concern only the material structure of a city but has to be spread over the broadly understood social issues. Moreover, the revitalization actions have to be based on a new planning model through involving local societies into planning processes. In this way it can contribute to the integration of residents as well as to the larger identification with place of residence which may be an object of their special care in coming years. To summarise, only such integrated and complex attitude as above may bring expected results of increasing the quality of the cities and the Local Revitalisation Programmes, which are one of the requirements of revitalization programmes studies, may essentially contribute.
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