Social Media in Selected Business Models
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B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, media społecznościowe, modele biznesoweAbstrakt
The development of the internet and the emergence of social media create completely new opportunities for enterprises, both traditional and those operating in the e-commerce industry. The widespread use of social media channels by the majority of consumers make them naturally want their favourite brands to be present there as well. However, an absence will not stop the discussion, so it is im- portant for brands to realise that their presence on social media will allow them to become a part of it. This is an important aspect of managing organisations in various types of business model, B2C, B2B, C2B and C2C, although the specificity of using these channels differs. In this article, the authors identify and analyse how brands in selected business models use social media to achieve their strategic, communica- tion and business goals, and which elements are the most interesting for its users and why. The authors used a literature review and a survey questionnaire in order to ask the respondents (n = 85 for individual respondents and n = 18 for brands) which posts they follow on selected brand social media. The authors found that brands mainly use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to post information about events, expert discussions or informational content. The article contributes to a deeper analysis of social media in the management of brands and how to be more competitive in the market through their use.
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