Strategie globalne a nowe formy organizacji przedsiębiorstw transnarodowych
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
organizacja, przedsiębiorstwa, transnarodoweAbstrakt
The paper presents an analysis of many basic variants of organisational structures that can be applied by enterprises operating in today.s international arena. In the case of international firms, the structure depends on the level of internationalisation of their operations and the strategy adopted: multinational, global or transnational. As an example a tensor structure is presented, based on empirical studies of the organisational structure of the corporation EXIDE Technologies. Global structures should be distinguished from those of transnational organisations, whose features, according to Bartlett and Ghoshal.s conception, are global integration and the ability to respond to a local situation. The structures of such transnational corporations assume formally a multidimensional shape which ensures the integration and co-ordination of operations through a combination of global departments manufacturing particular lines of products with regional ones. On the other hand, owing to flexible integration processes, interdependence and dispersal of skills, and a multidimensional perspective, transnational enterprises assume the configuration of integrated networks.
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