Rozbudzanie postaw przedsiębiorczych wśród młodzieży wiejskiej


  • Marianna Milewska Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Powierciu


Słowa kluczowe:

przedsiębiorczość, postawy, młodzież, wieś


About 40 % Polish populations live on rural areas. There are not enough people who succeed, who are competitive or who want to do something new. After the Second World War wrong politics stopped the development of rural areas in Poland. John Paul II said: „In order to achieve the whole humanity, each person should go beyond the limits”. We need to know if we want to work for others or for ourselves. There is economic and social diversification on rural areas. The main reasons of many difficulties are: the lack of investment, the weak education, problems with infrastructure and lack of willingness among people. The opportunities of the development in the country depend on people and funds, especially, on a good communication between people and a person who is considered to be a leader. SWOT lets us achieve our aims concerning the strategy of development in the best manner. It is important to give chances of establishing other forms of activity in the agriculture. Young people are not skilled and they do not believe in their abilities. In addition, they do not accept new ideas or they can not work in team. The crisis and the unemployment became grievous to young people who tend to go abroad in a search of job. Each society and country should try to contribute to the development of rural areas by encouraging people to run a business, craft, trade and a modern agriculture. The youth expects interesting projects, educational seminars and other ways of overcoming, for instance, shyness. The most important subject is a man who has a lot of ideas, courage and wisdom. Each person is able to change weaknesses into chances and can face the people who tend to doubt or not believe. We must promote great values and people who are highly skilled and experienced.


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Jak cytować

Milewska, M. (2006). Rozbudzanie postaw przedsiębiorczych wśród młodzieży wiejskiej. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 2, 249–255.