Rozwój przedsiębiorczości w ocenie wskaźnika TEA
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
przedsiębiorczość, TEAAbstrakt
The introduction of the rules of free market economy caused changes in the structure of the economy. Unemployment grew on new job market. Private sector appeared in economy. There are favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and self-employment. An important part of people in productive age has the advantage of such a situation. One of the goals of this elaboration is to analyze what matters influence over the development of the enterprise. Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) indicator help us to estimate the development of the enterprise. It measures general activity of economic undertakings. Thanks to it we can evaluate the general enterprise in Poland and compare it to the enterprise in 37 other states in the world. The enterprise is a social phenomenon. Behind every decision about starting the firm . to create new product or service, or to use new technology . always stands a man. Social structure of people who form the firms in Poland and over the world is worth to analyze. Such a research was conducted in 37 countries from GEM project. According to GEM results the enterprise in Poland is based on the lack of other ways to work. It is the key to economic development, to limitation of the unemployment, to modernization of society and to height of the welfare.Bibliografia
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