Enhancing Entrepreneurial Education in South African Primary and Secondary Schools: Perspectives from Teachers in the Limpopo Province
https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.201.6Słowa kluczowe:
curriculum, entrepreneurship, attitudes, primary school, high schoolAbstrakt
This study has investigated teachers' perspectives on enhancing entrepreneurial education in South African primary and secondary schools in the Limpopo Province. It has been motivated by a gap in the literature that indicated further research was needed. A sample of 101 teachers from rural and township schools employed a quantitative method. Data were collected using a Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Entrepreneurship Education questionnaire focusing on the importance of entrepreneurship education within a school context. They were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 25. The study demonstrated a solid Cronbach alpha reliability score of 0.90 with satisfactory face validity. The results showed that teachers expressed a need for time, training, financial resources, physical resources for classroom use, networking opportunities and sharing best practices to successfully implement entrepreneurship education in schools. It is recommended that entrepreneurship be taught as an individual subject in schools to yield entrepreneurial-minded learners from a young age who will be innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and business-minded.
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